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We are always thrilled when anyone visits our website, follows our blog, follows us on social media or comments on the website.  It's important for us to let you know that we don't do anything weird with your personal data - so here's a rundown of what we do.

Who even are we?

  • Hastings Infinity Films was conceived and is managed by James Hastings.

  • This website is a company site which showcases, promotes and introduces films produced by Hastings Infinity films. As well as this, we are a freelance company producing a variety of works for businesses, musicians and theatre companies.

  • You can contact us by emailing

What data do we collect, why and what's the legal basis?

  • We have got cookies set on this website which help us see which pages are popular and that helps us plan our content. This is with your consent. We are working on a better cookie plugin which gives you more control, but we don’t use third party tracking cookies and there aren’t any social media pixels either.

  • If you choose to ‘LIKE’ a blog post, your IP address will be logged so that you can’t ‘like’ multiple times and this action is stored in your browser’s local storage. You are doing this with your consent and can easily unlike the post again if you are uncomfortable with your IP address being logged.

  • If you send us an email, we'll see your name and email address and we'll correspond and have a bit of a chat, with your consent.

  • If you contact us on social media, we'll see your social media profile including your name, with your consent.

  • If we are out and about and take photos/videos with you, we'll ask for your consent first.

  • If you are an organisation we are working with to produce content, we'll collect and process your name and contact details so that we can write a lovely blog post about you.  If this is sponsored content, we'll process your payment information and this will be because we have a contract with you.

We're very easy going and if you want to withdraw your consent to any of these, that's all fine with us.  You are in control of your personal data and how you interact with us.

Who do we share your data with?

  • We don't actively share your data with anyone.  When you post on our social media profiles or post a comment on this blog, that will be seen by other users.

  • We have just started up an email marketing list, which will be related to our events. We run events with other Data Controllers and in this instance, we are Joint Controllers for the data we collect at each event. 

  • If we do Facebook Advertising, this will all be within the Facebook platform.  We won't use custom or lookalike audiences. Because we have a Facebook Page, we are considered ‘Joint Controllers’ with Facebook, so you’ll find a copy of this Notice on our Facebook Page too.

  • Cookies are used on our social media pages so that we can see (a) aggregated data which helps us determine which posts have been popular and (b) help us with our social media advertising. We don’t control the cookies that social media sites set, but you are able to control your ad preferences here:


    Facebook and Instagram:

  • We don't share personal data with our other writers - they see what the public can see. That's all.

  • If you are a company we are working with to produce content, we would only share your personal data with other companies when you have consented for us to do so.

How long are we keeping your data for?

  • If you send us an email, we'll correspond get to know each other - perhaps even collaborate.  But once that enquiry is dealt with we'll have a good Spring clean of our emails every year.

  • If we're working together and you've paid for sponsored content, then we'll keep details on our accounting system for 7 years.

  • If you subscribe to our email marketing list, or are added under the ‘soft opt in’ because you are a customer of ours, or have been to an event, then you can unsubscribe at any time. If you haven’t opened emails in 6 months, we will move your name onto the ‘unsubscribe’ list which we’ll keep so we don’t accidentally email you again.

  • The rest is up to you - if you want to delete comments on social media or on this blog, then you are welcome and we won't mind one little bit.  Promise.

Do we transfer your personal data outside of the EEA?

We make sure that the systems and apps we use are compliant with current data protection legislation.  This means that we've checked that everything has the proper safeguards in place. The website is hosted on WIX. I use GMail for mailing out which is also based in Ireland.

You have new rights

You have a right to:

  • Be informed

  • Access

  • Rectification

  • Erasure

  • Portability

  • Object to marketing

  • Restriction

  • Right to know about automated processing.

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